Formulate a blue facial cleansing bar

A solid facial cleanser with blue yarrow and blue clay

I posted last week on Instagram that I wanted to bring you some sample formulations for zero waste/ solid bar products.

Zero waste does not have to be solid bar formulas, but my focus will be on these this week since there are so many products we can make in this category.

Today I am making a solid facial cleansing bar using Serbian blue clay and blue yarrow. I chose this theme because it is 17th January, Blue Monday. Eeek.



This is where I purchased my ingredients:


Use on wet/ damp skin. Wet your hand and swirl the bar around in your hands just like you would a soap bar. Apply it on your skin, and massage it well to remove all grime and dirt. Rinse well with water and use your favourite toner and moisturiser after.


The formula has the staple ingredients: SCI powder ( a must-have in solid cleansers), lipids of various kinds, and antioxidants. I chose Serbian blue clay for this theme, and because blue tansy is everywhere, I decided to go for blue yarrow essential oil instead :). It is fantastic for irritated skin, eczema. In a way, it is quite similar to German chamomile. I used Tegosoft PC31, a refatting agent, to help make the bar a bit milder, and it will provide an improved, nicer skin feel.

Timea Racz

Cosmetic Chemist and Teacher with nearly 20 years of experience.


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