The Beginner's Guide to Formulating with Bakuchiol in Natural Skincare

A photo of babchi seeds, the source of bakuchiol.


In recent years, the demand for natural skin care products has skyrocketed, with consumers seeking safer and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional cosmetics. Bakuchiol has emerged as a star ingredient among the myriad of natural ingredients available, offering a potent and plant-based alternative to retinol. If you are a beginner cosmetic formulator eager to create natural skincare products, incorporating Bakuchiol into your formulations can be a game-changer. In this guide, we will explore what Bakuchiol is, its benefits, and how you can skillfully integrate it into your natural skincare formulations.

Understanding Bakuchiol: Nature's Gentle Retinol

Bakuchiol - Nature’s Retinol

Bakuchiol, derived from the Psoralea corylifolia plant, has been an integral part of traditional Eastern medicine for centuries. Often referred to as "nature's retinol," Bakuchiol is renowned for its anti-ageing properties without the associated sensitivity and irritation commonly seen with synthetic retinol.

Bakuchiol's Benefits for the Skin

1. Anti-aging Power: Bakuchiol stimulates collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to a more youthful complexion.

2. Rich in antioxidants: With its powerful antioxidant properties, Bakuchiol protects the skin from free radicals, which can cause premature ageing and damage.

3. Gentle on skin: Unlike retinol, Bakuchiol is gentle on the skin and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin.

4. Improves skin texture: Bakuchiol helps improve skin texture by promoting cell turnover, making it smoother and softer.

5. Brightens the skin: Bakuchiol effectively fades dark spots and promotes a more even skin tone.

Formulating with Bakuchiol: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Sourcing Bakuchiol

The first step in formulating with Bakuchiol is sourcing a high-quality, natural Bakuchiol extract. Do not confuse bakuchiol with babchi seed oil, which is a carrier oil as opposed to an extract. Please check that your supplier has all the datasheets you may need if you decide to sell the product you used Bakuchiol in.

2. Establishing the Right Concentration

If you are a novice formulator, starting with lower concentrations of Bakuchiol is essential, and gradually increasing it in subsequent formulations. A recommended starting point is 0.5% to 2%. This allows you to assess its compatibility with your formulation and its impact on the skin.

You should also make sure you add the ingredient to your formulation in the cool-down phase or, in other words, under 40°C. It is an oil-soluble extract, so do not use it in purely water-based products such as toner.

3. Pairing Bakuchiol with Complementary Ingredients

Pair it with other natural ingredients that share similar benefits to optimise Bakuchiol's performance. Some excellent options include:

- Hyaluronic Acid: For added hydration and plumpness.

- Vitamin C: To enhance the brightening effect and antioxidant potential.

- Niacinamide: For soothing and improved skin texture.

4. Ensuring Stability

As with any formulation, ensuring stability is crucial. Bakuchiol is sensitive to light and air, so packaging your product in opaque containers and keeping it away from direct sunlight will help maintain its potency.


Bakuchiol has emerged as a natural skincare superstar, providing powerful anti-ageing benefits without the harsh side effects associated with synthetic retinol. Remember to source high-quality Bakuchiol extract, establish appropriate concentrations, and complement it with other natural ingredients to optimize its benefits.

Formulating natural skin care products with Bakuchiol opens up endless possibilities to create effective and sustainable solutions for skincare enthusiasts worldwide.

Formulations with bakuchiol

Timea Racz

Cosmetic Chemist and Teacher with nearly 20 years of experience.


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